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Dorothy Gardner

Nursery School

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Dear Parents and Carers,


I would like to introduce myself to you as the Executive Headteacher of the Queen’s Park Early Years Federation which comprises The Dorothy Gardner Centre, Mary Paterson Nursery School and The Queen’s Park Children’s Centre. This is a very exciting time for children, staff and the local community.

The federation’s vision ensures that high quality early years provision, resources and services are used for the youngest children so they get the best possible start in rich settings that are welcoming and secure. Every child is supported in uniquely creative environments in order to thrive as part of family and key worker groups. 

I have high aspirations for all the children we educate, where there is no cap on any child’s potential linked to a bold vision for our early years federation. With your support and help we will work together to achieve our aim of high outcomes for every child.

As your child’s first educator we will always make sure that your views and thoughts about your child’s progress and next learning steps are part of their bespoke learning journey. I look forward to meeting you as we go forward together.


With very best wishes,

Ben Commins

Interim Executive Headteacher